Have you ever wished you could hit rewind during an argument with your partner and say, "See! That’s what…
Have you ever wished you could hit rewind during an argument with your partner and say, "See! That’s what…
This small act—noticing, asking, and sharing—can shift the dynamics of a relationship and build deeper trust.
Our phones and the apps on them are like third wheels in the relationship – or maybe more accurately, affairs.
What if we all focused on doing those small, kind, loving gestures for our partners a bit more and a bit more intentionally?
See if you can remember all the feelings, dreams and wishes that went into that decision.
There can be soooo much pressure and expectation put on our relationships and partners on this day, and often, so much disappointment as a result.
From a distance, the truck looked fun, cool, and exciting, but as we got upfront and personal, it looked ginormous, intimidating, and even dangerous.
After I stopped laughing, I started to think about how easily we misinterpreted each other’s love languages.
At the start of every year, I come up with a word that will be my guiding principle. In 2020, my word of the year was