Feelings are never going to be logical. They are a sensation that comes with an emotion that has a chemical response in our bodies. And it’s a good thing to feel them!
Read MoreYou don’t mean to yell at your husband when he buys the wrong chicken, but you do because you’re having people for dinner and you’re under stress and now it’s too late to follow the recipe you had in mind. You get angry and you show it.
Read MoreNo matter who it’s with, conflict is what builds our strength and connection, while avoidance damages it.
Read MoreIn any relationship, be it with a partner or a friend, there is bound to be a time when one person hurts the other, often unintentionally.
Last week we covered how to stay sane when traveling WITH your partner; this week we’re talking about what to do when you travel separately from your partner.
Read MoreSo what are we supposed to do when each partner is so diametrically different? What happens when our views on travel time or anything else are in conflict with our favorite person in the whole world? Chances are it’s a little bumpy.
Read MoreWhen we say I love you, but we chronically don’t listen…When we say we’ll do something - but don’t…Our actions are speaking for us, telling a story for us. I encourage all of us to listen to ourselves- What are your actions really saying? Pay attention to the things you’re doing that you’ll say you’ll do. Pay attention to what it is you’re really communicating.
Read MoreI’ve been talking about this “Hell Yea” concept as a way to shift the energy within your relationship - and your life. But does it also apply to the bedroom? How? I work with a lot of couples where sex is an issue, but it is really about connection. Let’s explore:
Read MoreI work with a lot of couples in which it seems the issue is football, but really it’s about connection. He loves football and it’s his way of belonging to something bigger. She hates football and finds it a waste of time. He spends all Saturday watching the game with his friends, excited to…
Read MoreThere’s nothing more painful than fighting with your favorite people in the world, partner and kids. When you get in a fight with your kids, it doesn’t carry on for weeks. But when we fight with our significant others the hurt and pain can and often does last weeks. And with each passing day, the silent distance grows, and with it grows the pain.
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