Bed Size - Does it matter?

One of my clients who is ambivalent about her marriage recently got a king size bed and said it’s made all the difference – there’s no longer the possibility of her husband accidentally touching her! 

Which brings us to today’s topic - does size matter? -  not in bed, but with the bed itself? And what does bed size say about your level of intimacy and the space you share with your partner? 

(After that opening… If the Sex and the City reboot writers need a new staff member, I’m clearly ready ;)

Recently I had my own experience with bed size - 

Over Christmas break we rented a house that had a queen size bed and it too made all the difference. For Chris and I, the queen size felt much cozier and more intimate than our king size back at home where there’s space for both children between us. So, we’re going to replace our king for a queen. 

Now let me be clear - There’s no judgment around what size bed you have, it’s just a place of reflection to notice. Would you feel happier in your marriage if you had more space in bed? Would you feel more connected if you had a smaller bed? 

This month, I encourage you to notice the silent ways you communicate with your partner about intimacy and the silent ways your partner communicates with you. And not just in the bedroom. In every situation we are either keeping more space from each other or creating more intimacy. 

I’d love to hear what this brings up for you - 

Drop a comment below to chime in with your thoughts and hear about others!

To the right amount of spaciousness,


p.s. I’ll leave you with another funny story…

I remember being a TA in grad school and the professor I was working for made this statement to the entire class, “come on let’s face it, size does matter!!” As giggles, shock, and outrage flew through the class, one student raised his hand to express his protest about such a senseless comment.

Fast forward to me being out there dating, trying to find the love of my life. I went on a date with a guy who at dinner told me that he would have his wife have a c-section instead of a vaginal birth. In that moment I knew what my dear professor was saying about size must apply to this guy 🤣🤣. Maybe she was right, size matters!!

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