Licensed Marriage/Family Therapist Andrea Dindinger Shares Helpful Tips on How to Limit the Challenges of Blending Parents and Stepparents After a Divorce

A divorce can be brutal! Seeing your “ex” move on to someone new can be rough. Hearing your “ex” is getting re-married, and the new soon-to-be spouse formed a close bond with your children can be hard to digest “BUT” if you want to do the right thing for your children, bite your tongue and play the game (so to speak) with the other side. I am not saying it is going to be easy. In fact, you may need to join a kickboxing class to work out the aggravation (maybe a bit of jealousy) that comes from the stories your children will share with you about the cool things mommy’s fiancé did with them, that you would never allow, or the awesome shopping spree and makeovers daddy’s fiancé took them on that you have said “no” to in the past. Remember, if your kids are happy, you should want to share in their experiences with them.

2022Andrea Dindinger