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go ahead - have an affair!

I love the TV show Modern Family. There’s an episode in which Claire and her husband Phil go out on Valentine’s Day and pretend they are “Clive” and “Julianna” and have an affair with each other for the night.

My husband and I tried something similar last year and are keeping the ritual going while both our kids are away at summer camp. We’re choosing to date each other rather than be married - and it’s been a blast! From wild nights out to having more time alone and choosing when to be together… the spark is in full force. 

On a similar but different topic, a client of mine went through a divorce but ended up having an affair with her ex several months after the divorce was final. It felt like an affair, and it was hot. The sex was hot, the laughter beautiful, and the cooperation phenomenal. But, the magic was lost when her ex started telling his friends about their affair. Keeping the secret was a key part of keeping the passion alive. 

All this to say - 

What if you secretly dated your spouses once a week and had an affair with them instead of with someone outside of the relationship?

Don’t forget about the power of using your imagination and your curiosity to help make mindset shifts and huge changes in your relationship.

Try something out this month - I’ll be cheering you on!